Today id like to share a blog i head over to occasionally for some mental inspiration!
This blog i discovered a few months ago & i have to say i find it really inspiring - created by Jess, the jewellery designer behind Jess LC its all about 'living a life with intention'. Head over have a read & you'll see what i mean. Be sure to check out some of the design your life interveiws! Whenever i read one i find it really thought provoking
http://makeundermylife.com/ and here is a link to one of the
design your life interviews with Brynn Alexandra if you cant seem to find them!
As i said Jess is also the jewelley designer behind
Jess LC. Part of her range are these beautiful simple necklaces that help us to remember our 'intentions'. Im going to get myself this 'be present' necklace.
You can get them plain or with a coloured stone.
The reverse side is printed in braille.
Its something i have discovered i need to remind myself every day - im always thinking ahead, planning, organising - everything from work, to what we are having for dinner or where out next holiday will be or what i need to do the weekend after next... dont get me wrong, being organised is great but it can mean that i sometimes dont fully concenrate on the immediate tasks at hand.
Having a read of this blog last night really got me thinking...what are some of the simple things you need to remind yourself daily that can enhance your life?