Tuesday, September 9, 2014


Thank you so much to everyone who took the time to comment on my last post.
Its made me realise that we are all busy & no one is going to crack it if i don't post every day - but that you guys also still enjoy a trawl though the blogs every so often for some inspiration (just like me!), and i still enjoy creating the posts when i can! 
So - once daily chic will live on - maybe just not once daily anymore. 
I will post as often as i have the time for - some weeks maybe every day - others maybe not at all! 
I love the 'blog world' and all my 'bloggy friends', and really appreciated you guys taking the time to leave me feedback. 
Looking forward to continuing our bloggy relationship - without feeling the pressure of thinking i need to post every day.

Thanks Guys!

Stay tuned - this week I've lined up some Moroccan goodness - including some snaps from our recent trip. 
If you haven't been you must add it to your list :)

And in the spirit of trying to simplify your life, i loved this little piece i found via pinterest below...

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