Sunday, August 17, 2014

Is anyone still reading???

We are back from our amazing 10 week adventure - slowly getting back to 'reality'.
One of the things that inevitably happens while you are on holidays is a 'stocktake' of your home life. 
How can you make your life more simple - a wardrobe cull, a garage sale, unsubscribing from email newsletters - you know what its like! 
I, like most of us, take on way to much, and always find a trip leaves me with a desire to 'simplify'. 

I started this blog years ago, and have loved sharing things with you all, inspiring images, personal bits & pieces…everything. 
Amazing opportunities have come from the blog and the best part has been the friends ive made - some have stayed as 'online' friendships & others are now personal friends 'in real life'. 

So ill just get to the point! 
Now that I'm so busy with my business, and needing to use my time wisely to avoid falling in a heap, 
I've started to wonder if anyone is still reading, looking & enjoying what i post?!

Having this space is great, and when i know that people are indeed reading & getting something out of what i post - weather it be ideas for your home, or just general joy over a pretty image, it in turn makes me happy & compelled to keep it up! In the last 2 years ive noticed people tend to comment on the blog a lot less - this could be a general blog trend, or that you guys are happy to just see the images - enjoy them & not leave comment - which is totally cool with me! But, Ive realised i need to simplify my life - like most of us, i juggle lots of 'stuff' and for my sanity i need to prioritise where & how i use my time!

So, friends & once daily chic friends - are you still out there???
Do you still read & enjoy the random things i post about?
Would you like to tell me what you'd like to see more or less of so when i post its 'stuff' you enjoy?
Would you mind if i posted a bit less? If 'once daily' turned into twice weekly?

I don't want to abandon this happy space completely, but i would love to hear - are you guys still out there?

Sal x


  1. Long time reader, first comment. Love you're blog, have for many, many years and would love to see it continue. I too have a busy schedule so understand the need to re-prioritise (especially after long trips to Europe). I come back to your blog every month or so for inspiration and would love to see it continue. Keep up the great work (albeit twice weekly)!

  2. Twice weekly sounds like a good idea. I like when posts are themed e.g black and white, kitchen splashbacks, great rugs, floral finds etc, so you can see a variety of stuff for inspiration. I think it's a general trend with blogs that people are commenting less as they can comment easier on Instagram. But hey this country-bound stay-at-home Mum likes reading your blog for all its inspiration. X

  3. I think twice weekly sounds good too. I really enjoy your posts and would love you to continue. I agree with Lucy about the themed posts etc. Thanks again x

  4. I love your blog too, please keep posting! Twice weekly would be lovely. It's so nice to check in on a few favourite blogs for a bit of inspiration during the day X

  5. Been following your blog for a while now, from a reader perspective 2-3 times a week is fine with me, as a blogger I have dropped to 2 posts a week and my stats have gone down so I think I will be blogging 3x week & spacing them out over the week. Love your blog-keep sharing and writing. xx

  6. I love your blog and love looking at the pictures/images you post. I always love the home posts, giving much needed inspiration for our future home. Twice weekly sounds like a great option, we all know what it is like when life gets so busy. But your blog always puts a smile on my dial!

  7. I love you blog and would love to see it continue.

  8. Hey Sal, love your blog and your style, you are a clever lass :o) I probably only read your blog once a month so perhaps for me one post per week is enough. That said, I always find some kind of wonderful when I do visit your space :o)

  9. Hi Sal, I really enjoy your blog. What I like best is the randomness of what you post. I like that it's not always the same thing and I never know what will be there. Once or twice a week would be fine. Thanks

  10. Hi, I totally love your blog and always check in for inspiration and always read what you post as well. I love your posts especially the interior posts and have been checking in to see the progress of your new house. Would love to see it continue.

  11. I also love reading your blog, I missed it the past month. I especially enjoy your random posts. Twice weekly sounds great. Thank you.

  12. Hey Sal, having some trouble leaving a comment for some reason, but I hope this one works! Twice weekly blogging would absolutely work, as long as you didn't stop altogether! As far as follower/reader engagement, keep doing what you're doing. You might find that those who visit the blog are stopping by to read and enjoy all the pretty without leaving a comment. If you're looking for more enagement/interaction/comments from your followers I think Instagram has become the best platform for that. Personally, I still love checking in on the blog to see what inspires you, as this is where I stumbled upon your gorgeous self in the first place. Thank you for sharing with us :-)
    Daisy xo

  13. I love your Aussie blog & love your pictures especially the before and after photo's of your work.

  14. I love your blog and check it daily. Please consider posting sometimes rather than not at all.

  15. Keep posting!!! I read all the way from the UK, I dont miss a post

  16. Am a UK reader too, keep doing what you're doin, tis good, once a week is cool :) x

  17. I am a new reader and love your blog!

  18. I love your blog, have been reading and enjoying it for a few years. To answer your questions - I only read blogs about once a week, so if you only posted 2x week that would be fine. I rarely comment on blogs, don't know why, I guess I don't feel the need to, rather I enjoy just reading.
    I really like seeing pics of your work projects, so perhaps if one post per week could be an update on what you're working on/ completed projects? That would make it easier for you to manage the two?
