Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Magical Morocco

Its taking me a while to get over the post trip blues, but I'm straight back into work with some great new clients which is helping!
One of our absolute favourite parts of our trip (which was also a spontaneous unplanned side trip!) was our 5 days in Marrakech.
It was truly magical & we are dreaming of returning to Morocco & exploring more of it.
Such a beautiful place, rich in history & such interesting, kind people.
Sometimes you had to remind yourself you weren't in a movie set!
Sitting in a cafe on the main square eating a lamb tagine while donkeys pulling carts trot past, the smell of sweet mint tea & spices wafting in the 40 degree air & the sounds of the flutes of snake charmers echoing across the square….honestly, amazing!

It was also ramadan while were were there which added another element to the experience.
While the locals were fasting from sunrise to sunset, it didn't make being there difficult at all.
We were respectful by not eating or drinking on the street, although it wouldn't have been a problem if we did.
The locals we spoke to were all very open to the fact that we were visitors & didn't need to do as they did.
 But also obviously appreciated the fact that we made an effort to cover up & eat/drink in private.

Hearing the call to prayer wafting through the balmy night air and seeing 1000's of people pray outside the 12th century mosque each night was one of the most amazing experiences I've had while travelling - really special.

On our first day we hired a guide for the day which was the best decision.
If you are ever planning a trip there email me & i am happy to share his contact details.

We stayed at the amazing Riad Dix Neuf la Ksour - it was even more beautiful in real life!
{Those of you who follow once daily chic on Facebook may have seen the story i posted about the fact that i'd had an image of this riad on the pinboard in the office for years without knowing the source…when i was browsing for somewhere to stay in Marrakech i stumbled across riad dix neuf la ksour & saw that very image on their website - needless to say i had to book it!}.
I highly recommend it if you are ever in Marrakech.
Beautiful pared back decor & wonderful staff.

Here are a few of my favourite shots. 

1 comment:

  1. Morocco is definitely one of my bucket list destinations...looks magnificent! Love your photos!
    Daisy xo
    p.s. those ceramics in the breakfast pic are TO DIE FOR!!!
