Monday, October 15, 2012

ODC Insider - Kerrie Golias of Voyager Candles

A few weeks back i discovered Voyager Candles - being a nut for a scented candle, i couldn't believe i hadn't found them earlier. 
The packaging is truly unique, & now that i have the divine Augusto candle - inspired by the gardens of Capri (takes me back to my honeymoon) in my hot little hands, i can confirm the scents are just as magical as the packaging! 
Each candle is hand poured, using a special blend of soy, coconut & beeswax, with pure cotton wicks (sounds amazing right?!) 
They come in 5 scents; Augusto (Capri), Belleville (Paris), Alexandra (Melbourne), Tirta (Bali) & Imperial (Tokyo).
Kerrie Golias, the founder of Voyager, was kind enough to have a chat with me.

What was your background before launching Voyager?
I modelled for 25 years, and was very lucky to have the most wonderful experiences travelling to and living in many different parts of the world. My love of travel, fragrance and beautiful products came from this time. You could say that these years were my education!

We all love an amazing scented candle – would you mind sharing the process you went through in creating your own range?
I began researching everything I could about candles – how to make them, the different waxes and their properties, wicks, fragrances… 
Let me tell you, it’s an art form! Suddenly, the kitchen was full of homemade candles, and we were eating a lot of takeaway… 
My vision for Voyager began to take shape – I wanted my candle range to be unique in every way, and I found some wonderful 
people in my suppliers, who shared this vision and helped me create Voyager.

What sets Voyager candles apart from other scented candles on the market?
I guess the first thing that people would notice and find unique is the Voyager glass; no other candle brand has used double-walled glasses, which give the candles a beautiful floating effect. Voyager’s distinctive fragrances are developed together with a perfumer,
 and are inspired by my time travelling. I would like to think that people connect to the story behind Voyager, and can see that it’s not just ‘another candle brand’!  There is no palm wax or paraffin used in the candles, as it was important for Voyager to fit in with my ethical values… and everything in the candles is the very best quality possible!

What is your favourite part about running your own business?
I have to say that Voyager has given me a huge amount of confidence in my abilities, and, after living a rather flighty and nomadic life, 
it is nice to feel grounded and purposeful. I am also meeting some really great people.

And the hardest part?
Sometimes I struggle a little with prioritising. And I think I may need to let go of my tendency towards perfectionism…

What does your schedule in a typical day at work look like?
I usually write and reply to emails in the morning, and then my days usually involve lots of driving to and from my suppliers and visiting my retailers. In the afternoons, I generally pack my orders (from our dining room table!) and send them out. Then it’s more emailing and researching, figuring out what the next step for Voyager will be… At the moment, it’s seven days a week… and I’m loving it.

{image Lisa Madigan}

Who or what inspires you?
I am constantly inspired by travel, art, nature, design, architecture, film, photography, music… 

Any favourite websites/blogs/magazines?
Too many! But I love The Design Files, Hello Sandwich (I’m very nostalgic for Japan…).
 Brain Pickings is great… Persolaise Perfumes, Interiors Magazine.…
Actually, I am pretty happy with my nose in any design, travel or interior mag!

Outside of work, what do you love to do in your downtime?
I love watching live music. 
I do wish more musicians toured Australia, as I think we miss out on so much great music purely because of geography.

Drink of choice?
A very generously sized glass of Tempranillo.

for more information & stockist details head to

1 comment:

  1. Just wanted to point out that there are other companies using double walled glasses for their candles, both in Australia and Europe and have been for quite some time. I first purchased mine back in 2008 and they are still available today. In addition, unlike Voyager who use synthetic scents, these companies do not. Just worthy of an FYI. (No I don't own the companies which is why I deliberately haven't mentioned them but they are easy to find online).

    Great blog!
