Thursday, October 25, 2012

Its time to shape up!

After a year of pre & post wedding celebrations, a 6 week European jaunt (you've seen some of the food pics i posted!) & recently a month of not being allowed to do any exercise at all after having my appendix out, it's time to whip myself into shape! Im putting this out there so i can stay accountable (as i tend to stray from these things!). I've signed up to give the Michelle Bridges 12 week body transformation a go. We are generally pretty healthy in our household (hello have you seen how fit & lean my husband is!) but i do tend to put work, chores...and, well a lot of things, before getting out & excercising as much as i should. Annnd might be partial to a wine and randomly picking at things while I'm working at home. So here goes nothing - wish me luck (and please remind me to stick to the plan!)

1 comment:

  1. I've been wanting to do the Michelle Bridges Challenge too...I like her on fb & the photos people put up of their weight loss is very inspiring! Good on you, might go & sign up too to start shifting this baby weight x
