Friday, March 30, 2012

Wedding snaps part 4 - Details details....

Ahhh the details, the decorating, the cake, the flowers & other assorted fun things that kept me awake many a night with my brain going a million miles an hour over the past 12 months! Things that came from hours of wedding blog trawling, pages torn from magazines, random hair brained ideas & the 'art & craft' that took over our little apartment....twas fun... But i admit, i am slightly relieved i have my brain back now :) I wanted to share this post to show you the results of all my inspiration posts over the last year & to thank all the suppliers that helped me with my 'projects'!

Our invites were letterpressed by Love vs Design

The venue Terrara House Estate is decoration in itself!

Ok, so somehow this is the only photo i have seen so far of our paper bag programs?! 
Speaks for itself really! Our programs were printed onto brown paper bags that were filled with petals for throwing. 
Designed with help from & printed by Christina from Extravagant Exists via Etsy. 
We filled french antique wire baskets (lent to me by a lovely client) with them & they were passed around before the ceremony.

 The table was set up like a road side jam stall (the type i always make Ben stop at so i can buy jam!) Each jar had your name & table number on it.  My grandmother & i made all the fabric covers.
Labels & tags designed with the help of Belletristics via Etsy

Sally DIY sign! (one word - bunnings!)

Spent about 10 months collecting jars to hang filled with flowers from the tree's in the drinks area.
Thanks to all the friends & family who collected, washed & my awesome aunties who hung them on the day!

The amazing table at the entrance to the marquee was styled by Terrara House.
(after maybe a few to many emails from myself lol)

The big flower arrangement had dahlias, hydrangeas & yucca's!

Our beautiful bouquets were by The Shady Fig (check out the divine website!)
They had david austin roses, hydrangea, gardenia, tuberoses & smelt amazing!

Loved the thick black & white grossgrain ribbon too :)

 The cake was by the divine Patricia at Yummy Cupcakes & Cakes. 
I cant tell you how amazing it was in the flesh - the sugar peonies were a work of art. 
Patricia is well on her way to becoming a superstar - if you are looking for a wedding cake call her right this second! The cakes stand is from Bountiful in Venice (Los Angeles - near Santa Monica!) supercool shop on Abbott Kinney Blvd (if your ever there check it out!)

Place cards were simple swing tags (also from Etsy) which i hand wrote & tied with twine!

For our guestbook we had a polaroid camera for guest to take snaps & then stick into the book with a note. I pre stuck photo corners (from Typo) into the book to make it easy for them! The guestbook was custom made by Lorgie & Me - by far the nicest one i ever came across! Signs designed by me (photoshop is fun!)

I made the box for the back of my bike with a cheese box & wooden letters from spotlight that i painted!

Another thing you may have noticed is that the 'bouff' on my dress came off! 
Surprise! Underneath was a sleek sequin number :)

When we get the full set of photos from the photographer ill share a few more from the reception.
Ben made the most amazing speech i have ever heard (i cried my false eyelashes off!) 
I am lucky to have such a caring & thoughtful husband who is so excited about the next part of our lives!
Thanks for all the well wishes, advice & nice words over the past year


  1. I LOVE your wedding style.. So very stunning.. and your dress is amazing!!! Love it all!

    I've nominated your blog for a Cute Blog Award.. (details on my blog!)

  2. Hi Sally,
    I pop in and visit your blog regularly but never comment; I just enjoy from afar. But I feel compelled to say how divine your wedding was. I loved everything you did and how you pulled it together. It was classy, stylish yet playful and homely... what a gorgeous day you must have had. Congrats on your nuptials, and well done on the fabulous job of pulling it together. Just gorgeous!! x
