Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Weddng Shoe Hunting

While i was in America i was on a mission! Special/awesome wedding shoes were my target....
Unfortunately i came home empty handed (Ben got his whole wedding outfit though so that was good!)....ironic that the one time in my life i am allowed to buy an expensive pair of shoes that are usually not justified, i cant find a pair i love! Seriously 99% of them were foul?! What the hell?? My gorgeous other half has always wanted to buy me a special pair of wedding shoes. Don't get me wrong i saw a few that were pretty cool & almost made the cut, but i just didn't LOVE LOVE any of pair were pretty close to being purchased, but it was 7pm on our last night & i couldn't bring myself to impulse buy something so pricey. I guess i can get them online of i decide they are the im not going to tell you just incase!

1 comment:

  1. i am having the EXACT same problem! i cannot for the life of me find any good ones!
