Thursday, November 24, 2011

Meeting Pam from Red Ticking!

So, the day after i got out of hospital i had a great 'bloggy' moment! Last time i was in Seattle 2 years ago, my mother-in-law to be & i went into this great little homewares shop called Red Ticking (think amazing rustic french antiques & piles & piles of amazing fabrics) almost every day on our way for a morning coffee. Then a few months after getting home i started this blog....then a few weeks later someone called Pam commented on a post - i looked at her profile....and what do you know, she was the owner of Red Ticking (& blog of the same name!!) What are the chances! I emailed her to tell her to tell her about the 6 degree's of separation & we became bloggy friends! So of course this time on my visit to Seattle we had to meet! Here are some piccys! Pam is so so gorgeous (as is her DIVINE shop!), how lucky i am to be able to have met such great people through this little blog! Thanks for all the restaurant recommendations too Pam :)

If you are ever in Seattle go check out Red Ticking at 2802 East Madison...and go have a Crepe at La Cote across the road after, thanks for the tip Pam!

1 comment:

  1. What a gorgeous store! I wish I has something like that nearby...
