Monday, November 28, 2011

Envelope Love

Im a sucker for packaging - and that includes mail! Plus i always get excited when i receive something hand addressed in the mail, dont you? On the weekend i addressed our wedding invites! I was inspired by some of these images. I did look into having them done in calligraphy by a pro - but it was approx $5 per envelope!!! Yikes. People tell me i have nice handwriting (even though im not so sure) so i thought id do them myself. I think/hope i got a similar look, that ended up just costing me a few hours of my time! Plus was nice to do them myself.  I have to say americans are spoilt for choice when it comes to beautiful stamps - we aussies have nothing like the gorgeous designs you guys have in the states! 

Oh So Beautiful Paper


  1. I am sure you did a great job!... I, too, love to get a hand written note in the mail, and I think you might just have inspired me to go the extra mile and find some pretty stamps for the holiday mail...

    Northern Light Blog

  2. Gorgeous images. I love it when the packaging is almost as special as the item inside...

  3. I think you can order custom designed stamps from the post office can't you? So you could design your own stamp with whatever you wanted...

  4. THese are so beautiful. I'm inspired to make an extra effort with my Christmas cards now but I better start OR find a good 'handwritten' font to use. Mmmm. Defeats the purpose doesn't it!
