Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Entries & consoles - the obsession continues!

Like home offices/work spaces you may have noticed i have a thing for a great entry space/console table! I literally have hundreds of images of them in a folder on my computer so theres more where these came from!

For the Love of Gold via Table Tonic

Loving this one! So simple but effective!
Wonder how those orange tree's last inside though (go away practical thoughts!)
Via Pink Wallpaper

Sarah Tuttle

Via Brynn Alexandra

Via A Lifes Design

whoa! Now thats what i call an entry!
Via Cococozy

Via Milk & Honey Home

Via Decorpad

Via Decor Happy

Via House Of Turquiose

Via Little Green Notebook

Via Bright Bazaar


Kelly Green

1 comment:

  1. Amazing images! I am really struggling as to what to do with our foyer/entry as there aren't many walls... all doors around it :(

