Monday, September 13, 2010

Blog-iversary love sharing giveaway!

Hi Guys - Happy monday! Allow me to make it a bit happier!
After my Fijian holiday im all relaxed & feel like spreading the love!

While i was in Fiji it happened to be the 6 month blog-iversary of once daily chic & my entrance to the blog world! It seems like ages ago that i decided to start it as a way to catalogue & share my huge file of 'inspirational pictures'! 

Never did i imagine id make friends from all over the world, become totally inspired or be so supported & encouraged by all these new bloggy friends! Or actually do some jobs for people i have met through blog world! Its been fantastic! AND about 2 months ago i found this cool flag counter that shows you who has been visiting the page - and since then ive had about 12,500 visits! Unbelievable! Ive been so excited to talk to friends who have never been interested in interior design & tell me they love looking at the blog for ideas & have started their own image files! 

As promised on the facebook page i made for once.daily.chic i want to spread the love! Seems fitting i do it with something that i only discovered in blog land - The Domino Book Of Decorating! Such a gorgeous morsel! Not only is the contents amazing but the cover is divine! Im going to give one away to anyone, anywhere! Im sure there are more than a few of you that already have one but still enter - then you can get into the spirit & pass it onto someone else!

All i ask is that you become a follower of the blog - just cause i love to see whos reading & get to know you all! Its easy - just click the follow tab on the side bar & follow the instructions (for most of you just click the google link & put in your email address to follow). Feel free to spread the love on your own blog/facebook etc but its not essential!

Just leave me a comment here to say you have become a follower or already are & ill put your name in the draw!
 Ill draw it on the 4th October!
sal xx


  1. Hello Lovely,

    So great that your trip to Fiji will always be a memorable sounded like you had an absolutely fantastic time. I LOVE that Domino book...and have always admired other fellow bloggers who have had it sitting on their coffee table amongst their collection of favourite books....I would like to try my luck at winning this beauty...thanks for holding such an awesome giveway xo

  2. As I am not Irish, I do not have the 'luck of the Irish'. In a coin toss - I ALWAYS lose. If I was a man - I would not be a 'betting man'. And I have never sung with confidence the great ABBA song 'The Winner Takes it All'. BUT. I will enter this cool competition to win the Domino book and try my luck yet again. You just never, never know (-:

    Glad Fiji was fun Sal - can't wait to see the pics (hint, hint)

  3. I thought I was already a follower but apparently not! I am now though. I am one of those people who was not necessarily that into interior design but I am totally addicted to your blog now (missed it while you were away) and definitely have an interest in decorating since we bought our little apartment! Keep it up Sal x
    Liv (Patrick)

  4. I am a new follower....just joined up recently. Love your blog, never miss a post! i would love to be in the running...I need a bit of inspiration on the decorating front! Congratulations on 6 months of blogging!
    X Briohny.

  5. Hi Sal,
    Congrats on 6 months! This will be the first blog that I have ever followed, so I'm looking forward to the next 6 months. But having already had a little look at your blog, I know that I won't be disappointed!
    - Kylie

  6. Hi I'm a new follower and am loving your blog. Would love to be put in the draw to win the domino book - haven't got myself a copy yet - so would be amazing to win! :)
    Keep up the good work on the blog!
    Loni x

  7. Hi, love your blog :) i have been lurking for a while so thanks for the incentive to become a follower. Would love to win the book.

  8. Hey Sal!
    Just became a follower, but ive been an 'unofficial' one for some time now. Congrats on the 6 month blog-iversary!
    That's an awesome giveaway! It looks like it's filled with some delicious inspiration. I shall try my luck. Keep doing what you're doing with the blog - i love it and im not the only one! x Audrey

  9. This book has been on my wish list forever! Fingers crossed!

  10. Oh my goodness, what a generous giveaway!! This book has been on my 'to buy' list for ages so I'd LOVE to win a copy. As you know, am already a follower of your delightful blog :) Looking forward to many more of your lovely posts in the next 6 months!! x

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