Thursday, July 1, 2010

August Australian House & Garden

Just sat down to dinner with a wine & the latest Aussie House & Garden that was in the letterbox when i got home. Other half on night shift again! Looks like this issue was done just for me!
S for Sally this issue is for you!

mmm some pretty blue stuff!
Love the chest of drawers & the pendant light

Oh Limoges how i love thee
(i dont love thee price tag however)

How freaking awesome is this rug!!
(and the dark floors!)

And ill take that Le Creuset french oven top right to cook this sundays french dinner in!

And this guy to keep my other Buddhas company..

.....and what do you know! 
A recipe for sunday nights dessert!
Creme Caramel!


  1. nothing better than a night on your own with a good mag......!KG ps - haven't forgotten you just getting org. at this end! x

  2. Ahem... um, don't you mean S for Sonja too :P

    LOVE LOVE LOVE that rug! x

  3. Must go and get my new that rug...its to die for.
    I have just sent you an award...pop over to my blog to check it out.
