Thursday, June 24, 2010

Off Topic.....a little something about me..

So, today i am getting seriously nervous about the fact that this time tomorrow ill be talking in-front of over 900 people about what i did on my last holiday! Let me explain.

Seeing as i feel like i kinda know you guys now i thought id share a bit of something personal about me.

Ive had type one diabetes since i was 10. 3 years ago after around 22,000 injections i decided to start using an insulin pump which is a small mobile phone sized device that is attached to me 24/7 via a tube & a canula giving me continuous insulin - a bit like having an external pancreas (cause mine aint workin!) This has seriously improved my health & long term future. However it was a big decision, really hard to get used to the creepy idea of having the tube attached to me & at $8000 they are unaffordable to many people. 
Last year, i organised a group of 11 people to do the 21 day trek to Mount Everest Base camp in Nepal. We raised $40,000 and had a grants program set up to provide financial help for other young diabetics to enjoy the same quality of health i now do. 

The trek was incredible...and also incredibly hard! A life changing experience! Thought id share a few of my photos with you. 

A holy man in Kathmandu

Beautiful flowers on the side of the road

The world heritage site - Bodhanath Stupa

Prayer Flags at Bodhanath Stupa

On the trail

Getting into camp at around 5400m in altitude ( this is my other half by the way!) We all decided this site was the coldest & worst location on earth for a honeymoon ;)

Scenery didnt look real it was so amazing!
With one of our sherpas at the top of Kalapathar at 5644m in altitude - the highest point on the 21 day trek!! Couldn't have made it without him! And how cool are his hot pink 80's glasses!

This was a spectacular site to have looming over you!

We made it! I must admit i was feeling quite sorry for myself at this point! A very tough day!

Love this picture - our group setting out in the morning on the way back down. Feeling very happy with more oxygen at every step!

So there you go!
Im in the process of trying to work out what pictures to frame for a gallery style wall we have in the entrance to our apartment - id love to hear what photos you vote should make the cut!
Ive got 3000 photos from the trip so just say the word if you want to see more!
Oh & the speech - my old school invited me back to be guest speaker about the challenges of it all...and there will be 900 students + guests...yyyiiikes! Wish me luck, i work in a 2 person office, have never spoken infront of that many people in my life!
sal x


  1. What an amazing experience, the photos are great, the scenery unbelievably beautiful. Tomorrow...just be yourself, speak from the heart and show those gorgeous photos. Good Luck!

  2. God bless your big heart. =) Good luck on your speech.

  3. Good luck with your speech. What an amazing achievement! That is so wonderful and kind to set up something to help others. Very impressed.
    Good luck with the editing of 3000 photos!!The ones here are so great xx

  4. Sal, you've overcome SO much and your message will be truly inspiring for all those who hear it. You have much to share and I'm sure that you will touch many hearts in your audience. If you get a little antsy imagine that there's a big group of your bloggy friends sitting out there cheering you on ['cause we will be].

    x Felicity

    PS: as a regular public speaker something I like to do when there's a particularly challenging presentation to give is to plan something really nice to do after its all over. Gives you something nice to look forward to and is a little 'gift to self' for overcoming the challenge.


  5. You will kill it Sal - the speech is good - to the point, interesting and has a great message - you can't go wrong! :)

  6. Good luck Sal .. bet your nerves will just disappear when you start talking. Very proud of my bloggy friend to think of others by raising $$'s for them. You are too good!! Oh, and the pics, put them all up. Especially of the both of you - as you get older you look back at pics and go 'my god - did we really look that good'!! (well, that's my experience anyhoo)

  7. Good luck Sal, you'll be awesome. Just remember how inspiring it was for you as student to have people come and tell these amazing stories during assembly...

    My sister trialled a pump last week and will get her own next month. You really helped her with the information and personal experience you shared. I don't know the physical pain she suffers having 4 needles a day, but I can feel the relief she has that this pump will make her quality of life better. Thanks to your fund raising efforts, people who may not have had this same opportunity will be able to share this relief also.

    So proud of you!

    courtney xx

  8. Goodluck tomorrow honey... you will knock em dead! x

  9. Sounds like an amazing trip - well done on such a feat! Good to hear all went well with your speech - you would have 'knocked 'em dead'! KG
