Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Wedding Stalker - Tessa James & Nate Myles

Loving these images GM Photographics just put up on their facebook page of Tessa James (Home & Away) & Nate Myles (NRL player) wedding. Her gown was by Steven Khalil...

How divine do she & her sister look - the sisters dress is pretty darn cool!
Super stylish but also classic - me likey!

The rustic feel of the cake is gorgeous....although the height scares me!

also LOVE that she changed into this amazing short dress for the dancing!


  1. WOW! just gorgeous and that short dress is so cute, wish I still had the legs to pull off something like that :)

  2. What a stunning dress!! Love the way the train falls in that first shot and the way it tucks up neatly in the dancing shot. Stunning neckline too x
