Friday, April 6, 2012

Hermes Rooftop Garden

Obsessed with this.
eeeekkk cant wait to be in paris in just over 3 months!


  1. Paris? Oh - yes please!!! :)

    Hope you are having a lovely weekend :)


  2. oooh... gorgeous!! wish i was going to Paris in 3 months!

  3. Paris will never fail to offer you such striking and attractive rooftops and rooftop gardens. I bet anywhere you go, you’ll see one that’ll completely mesmerize and captivate you. I was going to suggest you to do a rooftop garden/bar/restaurant hopping and visit as many rooftop spots in the city as you can. But, I suppose your 3 months are already over, so maybe next time? =)

    Allyson Sunde

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