Friday, December 5, 2014

Zoe Dents Home in Adore Mag

The home of Zoe Dent from The Wedding Nest in the latest Adore Magazine is right up my alley.
In fact we have so many of the same pieces, some of the spaces i did a double take on:)
Must be the northern beaches vibe - we are only a suburb away from each other!
Styled by Peep my Style & shot by Hannah Blackmore

Monday, December 1, 2014

White Christmas

Its been 3 years since we have had our own Christmas Tree to decorate
(in-between houses, overseas etc!) and I LOVE Christmas decorating!
Lat year in the sales i stocked up on beautiful white ceramic decorations for the new tree.
This year I'm going all white & neutrals.
I am superstious so don't put my tree up till the 1st december, but we snuck it in early last night! 
What about you?