Friday, July 29, 2011

Wedding dance?

the dance at 3mins our wedding dance? hahahaha
ok....too many cold & flu tablets for me!

Thursday, July 28, 2011


One of my all time favorite colours. Rarely can i resist anything in this shade! Do you find that you gravitate towards certain colours? For me its usually this one, pinks, oranges & yellows but more recently creams & nude colors (maybe this is my inner bride coming out!)...although to be honest at the moment im struggling to pick a 'colour' or colour scheme for the you even need one? Its really annoying me - isnt this what i do for a job? shouldn't i be good at choosing colours?

Im a bit of a bandit for some gold too!

These would be fab with a white singlet & a tan!

mmm feeling all summery now in this wintery sydney weather!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Simple & pretty....

Im still chuckling at the response to Bens post yesterday - i showed him all the comments when i got home last night & i think he was secretly quite pleased with himself! Hehe ;) A bit of wedding inspiration for this Wednesday - Simple, pretty & textural but not over the top - love it...

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

World Exclusive - Guest Post by BEN

A few months ago my other half admitted that he did infact read my blog when i wasnt home or no one was looking (not very cool in the nsw police force to be found reading a pink blog about interior design & weddings i suspect). He rarely mentions that he has read anything except in random passing comments or at our engagement party where after a few beers in his speech he decided to make some bumbling jokes about it & things that he did "once daily"......anyway.....last night i got home to discover a disgruntled (& tired) looking man sitting at our computer with my blog on the screen. Demanding to know what kind of poor effort i had made in doing a post devoted to Le Tour & Cadel Evans supreme effort that had kept us awake for 3 weeks of excitement & anxiousness....
To which i replied - well why dont you write a post about it if you are so disappointed in my effort.....i clicked "new post" and walked away to watch the block & spend an hour on the phone to our accountant....and returned to the living room to this......
*DISCLAIMER- I haven't edited it .His passionate banging away at the keyboard for over an hour amused me to much to change any of it!*

BEHOLD. Bens guest post. 
(And i have to say, the man can write, who knew?!)

Although attempts were made by once.daily.chic to celebrate the magnificent achievement of Australia's first tour de france winner; the overall effort was rather poor (3 pictures does not cut it my girl !).

So, in an effort to rectify this lack of patriotism a guest blogger has been subbed off the bench for a ONE-OFF and I repeat ONE-OFF lesson in how to pay tribute to the greatest sporting achievement ever by an Australian (and yes it even betters that child who sat in a boat and floated around the world).

If you haven't already guessed, this might be sals better half; Ben.
Although she performed exceptionally well throughout this years tour, managing to stay up later and longer than previous years, she fell at the final hurdle, being the celebratory blog and has passed the torch to me.

The Tour de France is not just a bike race; for three straight weeks the amazing culture, gastronomy and scenery of Europe is combined with the best professional cyclists in the world to create a race which pushes the limits of human capabilities further than any other sport. 

In our case, the Tour brings us together as a couple. We cook French food together, we stay up late together, we talk alot (and when I say "we" I actually mean I talk as well !), we laugh and cry together, we plan our honeymoon and dream of the day when BOTH of us will stand atop L'Alpe D'uez after BOTH cycling there !!

Cadel Evans has done something very special. The winners of the Tour is reserved for the best cyclists of each generation and Cadel is one of the best. You can't 'Steven Bradbury' the Tour, nor can you swan around France for three weeks without being showing extraordinary amounts of courage and at some point laying everything on the line. In the Alps, where this years Tour was won, Cadel took ownership of the tour chasing Andy Schleck and grinding his way up the highest peaks whilst never asking any other rider for help. Cadel showed us a side of him never seen before, a side that has bloomed from having an amazing team and support crew around him which greatly reduced his ever present bad luck and nervousness. 

For those who don't quite understand it, in a cycling team, eight men ride for just one. The team mates sacrifice themselves by riding in front of Cadel through the wind, rain and heat and tow him to the foot of the mountains where he is then free to fly and use his own amazing talents (it is said that when riding on another's wheel in a peleton you exert about 30% less energy). Cadel's eight mates bring him food and drinks throughout the race basically keeping him safe like a lioness protects her cub (ohhhhhhh...)

In previous tour's Cadel has had bad luck, crashes, illness and a not so supportive team. This year it all came together and it was his time. He was the strongest rider and deserved his place atop the podium in Paris wearing the famous yellow jersey. 

Bravo Cadel you are an inspiration and a legend !

Dear once.monthly.crazy woman- 
so happy to have shared this tour with you! 
You are now beginning to realise that sleep is overrated.....
Im very proud of you and can't wait to be there next year with you and all that cheese !

Peace out...

Monday, July 25, 2011

Happiness & Tiredness!

Haven't been to bed before 2am for the last 3 weeks....but it was worth it! Not only did Cadel win but 2 of my other favorite riders (who our goldfish are named after!) came 2nd & 3rd! Awesomeness! .......going to be on struggle street at work today though :)

Friday, July 22, 2011


I went to Icebergs for lunch a few weeks ago. Was a great lunch with Bens family before his brother & wife went back to Seattle. Great food & wine (refer to the recent need to detox post!) lots of laughs & divine veiw & interiors! Here are a few of my shots.....

A wintery day at Bondi..

The seafood stew that gave us all food envy!

Im not usually a fan of Trifle...but omg was this good!

Bens mum, myself & future sister in law!

Ben (in the middle) with his brother & dad

These two turn into little kids when they are together!

And here are the 'pro' shots!
Id love to go at night to see the amazing 'chandeliers' on!

Thursday, July 21, 2011


A few more fantabulous work spaces from my collection. Ive been quite busy with my side work at the moment & have been clocking up lots of hours in my office (ie my dining room table!) I found these were found on a cool tumblr blog i recently discovered called Interiors Porn! Actually im getting quite into the Tumblr blogs lately! Finding really great new ones every day....great inspiration but not good for productivity!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

rain rain go away!

I find it hard to get motivated to do excercise at the best of times (even though once im out there doing it i love it!)...this rain & cold is making it 100 times harder! You'd think an impending wedding would be the best motivation ever to get into serious shape but apartently you have this problem? How do you kick that motivation & willpower into action?

Wedding Wednesday - Equestrian Love

I got butterflies when i saw this over at The Wedding Chicks. I am a horse lover, i never grew out of it! In primary & high school i had more posters of horses on my walls than bands or actors, i rode at almost every day & was happy to spend every waking hour riding, grooming or cleaning my gear...sadly horses are an expensive hobby & i haven't ridden regularly now for about 7 years...hopefully one day ill be able to have the time & funds to get back into it. Horses are just the most beautiful animals too, so beautiful, powerful & with such great personalities!

Photos: KT Merry
Gown: Ivy & Aster
Veil & Hair accessories: BHLDN